Nigeria Lagos

Lagos Again!

A discussion about why most job opportunities in Nigeria has their location as Lagos State

Welcome back here. Today we will be discussing why Lagos, a city in Nigeria, has been one of the most preferred locations for jobs and career opportunities, followed by Abuja and Port Harcourt .

Now for people who are very active in applying for jobs and other opportunities career wise or academically, you might have observed the consistency of the location where these opportunities are based to be in Lagos. Imagine being situated in another state and applying for jobs, finally you saw one which you are very sure you are well qualified for,  opening the job description just to find the location as Lagos, you sure will say something like this, “Lagos Again”.

Let’s begin our discussion by a general discussion of what Lagos is, so Lagos they say is Nigeria’s largest city, sprawls inland from the Gulf of Guinea across Lagos Lagoon. Victoria Island, the financial centre of the metropolis, is known for its beach resorts, boutiques and nightlife. To the north, Lagos Island is home to the National Museum Lagos, displaying cultural artefacts and craftworks. Nearby is Freedom Park, once a colonial-era prison and now a major venue for concerts and public events ― Google.

Lagos, usually called Èkó in Yoruba language or Lagos City is the most populous city in Nigeria, with an estimated population of 21 million in 2015. Lagos is the most populous urban area in Africa. Lagos was the national capital of Nigeria until December 1991 following the government's decision to move their capital to Abuja in the centre of the country. Lagos is a major African financial centre and is the economic hub of Lagos State and Nigeria at large.

The city has a significant influence on commerce, entertainment, technology, education, politics, tourism, art, and fashion in Africa. Lagos is also among the top ten of the world's fastest-growing cities and urban areas. The megacity has the fourth-highest GDP in Africa and houses one of the largest and busiest seaports on the continent. Due to the large urban population and port traffic volumes, Lagos is classified as a Medium-Port Megacity.


So, that is what they say Lagos is and yes it is the correct facts, but to job applicants and opportunity seekers, what is the significance of the data above and how does it affect the choice of organisation’s in making it their preferred location. We will start right away 

First, Lagos has well-established infrastructure that facilitate business development and growth, companies of all sizes at the inception stage of their businesses, do not want to encounter or worry about fixing problem that has to with infrastructures and facilities, they really want to focus on the development of their business, Lagos has been a perfect choice for this, in time past Lagos have put in place effort to make available infrastructures and facilities that help companies in the state do their businesses in a more easy way than other state, yes other state are also putting in effort to make that happen but hello, someone has gone aheadddd.

It is also Important to note that Lagos has that flexibility to accommodate any class, as the saying goes in Yoruba “Èkó gba olè, ó gba òle”, literally translated as “Lagos can abode both thief and the lazy”,although the literature translation of this saying is to say “Lagos is a place for anyone of any class to thrive”, Lagos has been on the top of its game in accommodating people of all class, not only the Nigerians but many from outside the country can and are doing business in Nigeria and this has influenced the decisions of companies in making the state their preferred choice location for job opportunities.

Also worthy of note is the fact that Lagos has the most diversified economy in Nigeria. Everything from Health, Food, Maritime, Oil and Gas, Aviation, banking, commerce, I.T, e.t.c. One of the major reasons that makes Lagos the top preferred location in the country is the diversity in the sectors, even companies like geological whose main operations are not done in the country has their offices which handles the administrative roles in Lagos, making anyone from any setting, of any discipline or study to work in the state.

Microsoft Ikoyi Office -Lagos

Let me round up my point by saying most of the companies are all headquartered in Lagos, due to the factors listed above and many more, most companies have their administrative head offices situated in Lagos, as the common saying goes in Pidgin English, “who no like better thing”, companies of all sizes have taken up this opportunities in order to ensure they have access to great facilities and operate at a deduced and minimum expense.

Most Jobs being situated in Lagos does not mean there are no other good jobs in other locations, there are numerous good opportunities in every place and area, only that applicants and job seekers are usually limited in their search, the more reason why a platform like CareerOM is important and should be shared with others. We draw the curtain here, till we meet again, I wish and pray you prosper in your search and effort for good and better opportunities.


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