Osun State Polytechnic Iree (OSPOLY)

Osun State Polytechnic Iree (OSPOLY) Sets Date for the 2023/2024 Post-UTME Screening Procedure

About Osun State Polytechnic Iree (OSPOLY)

Osun State Polytechnic Iree, or OSPOLY, is a government-owned higher education institution situated in the towns of Iree and Ikole-Ekiti in Osun State, Nigeria. It was initially a satellite campus of The Polytechnic, Ibadan, before gaining autonomy on October 12, 1992, through the establishment law signed by the Governor of Osun State, Alhaji Isiaka Adeleke. In addition to its main campus, OSPOLY offers a Daily Part-Time Program (DPT) at the Koko campus.

As we approach the upcoming academic year, Osun State Polytechnic Iree (OSPOLY) has shared important information regarding its 2023/2024 Post-UTME screening process. This announcement is of great significance to prospective students who are eager to embark on their academic journey at OSPOLY Iree.

To ensure clarity and preparedness, the institution has provided screening dates for each faculty:

  • Monday, October 30, 2023: Faculty of Information and Communication Technology.
  • Tuesday, October 31, 2023: Faculty of Science and Faculty of Environmental Studies.
  • Wednesday, November 1, 2023: Faculty of Financial Studies and Faculty of Art and Design.
  • Thursday, November 2, 2023: Faculty of Engineering.
  • Friday, November 3, 2023: Faculty of Management Studies and Vocational and Technical Education.
Screening Requirements

To facilitate a smooth screening process, OSPOLY Iree has stipulated essential documents that all applicants must bring:

  1. Original and photocopies of O’Level results: These are necessary to confirm the applicant’s prior academic achievements.
  2. JAMB Result Slip: Proof of the JAMB score, which is a vital component of the admission process.
  3. Post UTME Form: The form completed during the application process is a critical document to present during screening.
  4. Two Passport Photographs: It is advisable to bring recent and clear passport-sized photos.

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A word of Advice from us

As the screening dates approach, it is of utmost importance for all applicants to be well-prepared, academically and with all required documents in order. This screening process is a pivotal step towards securing a place at the esteemed Osun State Polytechnic Iree and marks the beginning of a promising academic journey.”

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