Balancing your passion

The Conflict: Balancing your passion with practicality and financial Opportunities

The Conflict: Balancing your passion with practicality and financial opportunities.

You probably have heard words like “love what you do” and the other version “do what you love”, two statements that seems to offset each other right? Let us have a discussion.

The issue of choosing between what you love to do and what is currently in demand which also bring in money is one of the issues that have never reach a concluding part, from motivation speech to life and career coach talks nor of this seems to proffer a final and definite solution to the issues that has been a burden to a vast number of employable personnel. 

We've thought about this also, we’ve embarked on some reasoning work, and we realized that if truly you are concerned about your wellbeing and being a force that will make impact in your society and community while earning a living to live the life you have always wanted, you must be prepared for both. 

Yeah, you probably did not what you want to hear, you want us to give validation to the thought you already have, nah but wait, listen we are here to assist and to offer a procedure that have proven efficient and effective in the life of people doing great in their works. 

In a situation where your passion presents itself in ways where little or no obstacles are presents, do not wait for a signal anywhere go for it, commit all energy and make sure the best is what you get out of it but in a situation seems tough and quite of little or no profit at the initial or early stage, we advise you go for what is available, this is not our way of telling you to let than your guard, no, never, we are of belief that dreams are to be pursued and that with all energy and ones being.

We have come with this solution on how to balance your passion with practicality because we realized that when pursuing a dream with little or no profit at the initial stage, one might give up and the idea as soon as the problem faced is at its climax. Instead of this, while don’t you go for the option available, do what you should, make time to further improve on your own idea and make connections and establish relationships that will prove to be beneficial when you finally are capable to go for your dream without suffering from the hit that usually comes from starting a new enterprise. In situation like this we give the following solution steps

Summary: Balancing your passion with practicality and financial Opportunities
  • Go for the option available and seems close to what you have passion about or will be of benefit to what you want to do.
  • Make most of every opportunity: you are there for a reason, when everyone is working 1 hour, you surely must go further with half if not by another equal duration or more.
  • Make necessary connection and networking: it is a thing that has been proven over and again that the greatest asset one can have is “man.” Establish relationships with people, everyone has value and can be of immense benefit if the relationship is managed well.
  • Train along: awake, don’t just enjoy the money and cozy, we wouldn’t say you shouldn’t enjoy but if you are still of the opinion that you have a dream to chase, you got to build, develop and keep up with requirements that is in trend with the work.
  • Consider if you really want a change: most times, people who take on work different from what they initially wanted to do finds a new passion in the work they took, engineers who took on accounting job and get to the point of becoming a charted accountant because of a newly found passion, Lawyer turned mass communicator, we can go on and on with cases like this. So, you might want to do a re-evaluation to check if your passion still lies where it initially was.
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