Creatives (Volunteer)


CareerOM Community

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Creatives (Volunteer) at CareerOM

CareerOM is calling for creatives and volunteers to create, learn, unleash their creativity, and make a positive impact in society.

Our mission is to build a community of students, young professionals, and entrepreneurs and empower them with the information, opportunities, resources, and support they need to make informed academic, career, and business choices.

Area of interest:

1. Graphics Designer:

As CareerOM’s graphic designer, you play a critical role in establishing our brand identity and giving our audience a smooth, interesting experience. Your creativity and innovation play a crucial role in reinforcing CareerOM’s commitment to empowering educational and career journeys through an engaging visual narrative. This includes creating visually compelling marketing collateral, improving educational content, contributing to an intuitive user interface, and designing assets for virtual events.

2. Content Creators and Writers:

As the architects of our information landscape, Content Creators and Writers at CareerOM are tasked with curating and producing informative, engaging content that guides and empowers our community. They conscientiously produce scholarly articles, blog posts, and social media content that serve to educate and motivate. Their contributions, which range from elucidating educational trends to providing insightful career advice, serve as the conduit that links users to the vast array of opportunities and knowledge that our platform harbors. Their fervor for narrative construction significantly influences the trajectory of CareerOM, serving as an illuminating light for individuals traversing the realms of education and professional growth.

3. Social Media Managers:

The Social Media Managers at CareerOM play a crucial role in establishing and sustaining a dynamic community across multiple platforms, serving as the masterminds behind our online presence. They implement social media campaigns in a strategic manner, disseminate informative content, and interact with our audience in order to cultivate an interactive and encouraging digital atmosphere. By maintaining an astute awareness of our audience and current trends, they guarantee that CareerOM maintains its position as a leader in social discourse, thereby magnifying our objective of facilitating educational and professional development. By effectively overseeing social media platforms, they significantly contribute to fostering connections, motivation, and the development of lasting connections within our community.

4. Brand Influencers / Ambassadors:

At CareerOM, brand ambassadors and influencers play a crucial role in promoting our mission and values. They engage their audiences, promote our platform, and raise awareness regarding the resources and opportunities that CareerOM provides. Entrusted with the duty of personifying our brand’s ethos, they impart their knowledge, successes, and testimonials in an authentic manner, thereby cultivating an atmosphere of confidence and connection within their audience. By virtue of their widely recognized stature and genuine personas, our Brand Influencers/Ambassadors make substantial contributions to the growth of our community, stimulate active participation, and ultimately bestow greater agency upon more individuals in their pursuit of knowledge and professional development.

5. Copywriter/Content Editor:

In your capacity as the Copywriter/Content Editor at CareerOM, you wield the pen that carves our story. Your responsibility is to produce persuasive and flawless content that connects with our target audience, guaranteeing unambiguity, uniformity, and a captivating demeanor. With attention to detail, you edit and refine written content with great care, encompassing promotional copy and articles, all while upholding the standards of quality and our brand voice. In addition to enlightening, your discourse motivates and directs readers along their professional and academic voyages. By virtue of your meticulous attention to detail and ingenuity, you make a substantial contribution to the establishment of CareerOM as a reputable purveyor of perceptive and influential material pertaining to education and professional growth.

6. Community Manager:

In your capacity as the Community Manager at CareerOM, it is your responsibility to maintain an engaging and encouraging online atmosphere. You will assume a proactive role in facilitating member interactions, moderating discussions, and cultivating connections within our community. Your duties encompass providing responses to inquiries and concerns, ensuring a satisfactory user experience, and addressing grievances. Your active support in fostering meaningful connections and cultivating a sense of inclusion is important in the development of a dynamic community where members can exchange insights, solicit guidance, and discover motivation regarding their professional and academic endeavors. Your dedication to fostering a sense of community enhances CareerOM as a highly beneficial center for cooperation and development.

Why Volunteer with CareerOM?
  • Impact: Make a real impact on individuals’ educational and career journeys.
  • Learning Opportunities: Enhance your skills and knowledge in content creation, community management, and event coordination.
  • Networking: Connect with like-minded individuals passionate about education and personal growth.
  • Recognition: Receive acknowledgment and recognition for your valuable contributions.

Join us in creating a promising future for both students and professionals!

Note: This are volunteer roles, not a paid one.

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Date Posted

January 17, 2024


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Volunteer at CareerOM

CareerOM Community


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